Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Litany of the time of times
Lord have Mercy
Christ have Mercy
Lord have Mercy

God, the Eternal Father                                  to forsake your Children,
Who created us out of love.                                      Your nature forbids. Multiply Your Mercy, Father, in us.

God, the Son, who redeemed us by His            Remember us whom you
Bitter Passion and His Precious Blood.              have redeemed with your
Precious Blood. Remember
all the agonies and tortures of this redemption and
have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifies us                       Come powerfully now to
and gives us the Divine light to see.                          dissipate the darkness that
                                                                             surrounds us.

Holy Mary, who cometh as the Morning                     Actualize now in the world
Rising, fair as the Moon, Bright as the sun                 and in the hearts of your
terrible as an army set in battle array.                       children, the triumph of your Immaculate Heart.

St. Joseph, Protector of the Remnant Church             Come and protect us now as you dutifully protected the Holy Family. Like a mother hen, her chicken.

Archangel St. Michael                                              Descend with your Legion of Angles and overcome for us the enemies of the Cross. Let the world echo like the heavens did – who is like unto God. Give us a share of your sturdy courage – to defend the right of God in the Church & the world.

Archangel St Gabriel                                                Descend with your Legion of Angles; help us to say yes to the Will of God. Give us an evangelical impetus to catechize. Help us to enable the church to say yes to God.

Archangel St Raphael                                               Accompany us to overcome the devil, the Anti-Christ, and the Anti-pope by the power of the Precious Blood.

Archangel St. Jehudiel                                             Fly to our aid with your Legion of Angels, to overcome for us the wicked spirits and their human agents bent on destroying the Church of Jesus Christ.

All you great Patriarchs and Matriarchs                      Come now to defend with us the rights of God in the world.

Father Enoch                                                          Your time has surely come. We need you now to lead us in the fight against the Anti- Christ – and his agents. Help us with your power from God.
Abraham our father in faith                                      This is the time of times, we need you. Come and help your children. Who are stumbling. O, Great father of the Father.

Our Patriarchs Isaac & Jacob                                    Behold your children about to be devoured. Defend them.

Patriarch Noah                                                        Gather your children one more to safety. Bring all to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the New Ark.

High Priest Melchizedek from the                              Bring back and sustain the
Choir of Principalities.                                              True sacrifice by which Satan is thoroughly vanquished. Help us to experience Jesus’ sacrifice at the Mass.

Prophet Moses                                                        Rise now! Seeing the blatant disregard with which the world treats the commandments! Come now and help bring them back to reckoning, that souls might once more be aware of their obligations to God.

Aaron, our first Priest                                              Teach the Church again the true Priesthood and the true reverence for the temple of God.

Prophet Elijah                                                         The great Prophet of fire! Help us consume all the errors in the Church with the fire of righteousness. This is your time. You are destined to fight the Anti-Christ. Come and lead us into battle. Send us strength from your supernatural kingdom.

Prophet Ezekiel                                                       All you predicted is happening – come powerfully help us to reverse the path of self destruction.

Great Prophet Jeremiah                                           Wake up and re-enlighten consciences to the evils that surround them. Let them know that God is now warning from Heaven.

Prophet Isaiah                                                        Great Prophet! Watch now as evil has almost consumed the Church and the world. Please do not stand by. Come powerfully now to our rescue. Let us realize that by the stripes of Him who has no comeliness, we are healed.

All you Great Patriarchs and Prophets                        Rise now – this is the time of times.

Prophet Daniel                                                        What you predicted is happening. Help us to overcome all the evils you have rightly warned about. The books are now open.

Prophet Joel                                                           Pray now that the Holy Ghost is poured out abundantly that we might witness the 2nd Pentecost.

Patriarch David                                                       See now how the Saviour from your lineage is subjected to ridicule even by those for whom He shed His Blood.  Raise in your throne to His defense in the Church and the world.

St. John the Baptist, Precursor of our                        This is the time of times – do
Lord Jesus Christ                                                     not let your Martyrdom be lost on us; cover us now with the blood of your martyrdom. Help us to confound with courage the evils of our day and prepare the way for the 2nd coming of Christ like you did.

St. Deborah                                                            Our dear Mothers, behold the
St. Elizabeth                                                           dangers your children are in.
St. Ann                                                                  Mothers in faith, rescue us.
St. Esther                                                              
St. Judith                                                                        

SS. Peter & Paul                                                      Did you evangelize the world to leave the Devil to triumph with false doctrine? Rise now, come to the defense of the remnant faithful.

All the Holy Apostles of Lord Jesus                            Cover us with the blood of
Christ.                                                                   your Martyrdom. Come now and rescue us.      

St. Mary Magdalene                                                 Come help us now. Remember the wounds of your Saviour – by His love, come to our aid now.

St. Mary & Martha                                                   Come now and help us.

All the Disciples of Our Lord                                     Come now and exercise over us your particular gifts so that combined we can over throw all evil.

St. Jude Thaddeus                                                   Come, aid us with the portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ. You, Saint of the impossible, this is your time.

St. Stephen                                                            Help us to pray for those who persecute us. Give us perseverance in the face of persecution.

All you Great Doctors of the Church                          This is the time of times, the end of ends. Your knowledge of Jesus and His doctrine passed to us is now being openly challenged. Please defend from Heaven these truths.

St. Athanasius                                                         Help us to defend the creed as you did to avert self- destruction and apostasy.

St. Augustine                                                          Do not let all you suffered to solidify the faith now be taken away by heretics, enable us to completely overcome them.

St. Jerome                                                              Great doctor of the Bible – Enlighten us with the words of God. Let it be in our mouth a two edged sword to penetrate even the most hardened hearts.

St. Cyprian                                                             Great doctor, your conversion was miraculous. Aid us with your intercession that by our faith, work and example, more conversions might be wrought.

St. Dominic                                                            Pray that Our Lady will work once more great prodigies to confound the enemies of the faith.

St. John Chrysostom                                               Give us your charisma of eloquence to win over doubtful minds.

St. Patrick                                                              The pagan days are here again. Give us your power against the infernal serpents. Help us to catechize and evangelize.

St. Benedict of Europe                                             Great Monk, protect us with the power of your medal. Help us overcome the forces of evil. Help us to once more Christianize the world.

Pope St. Pius V                                                       Look with pity on the Church of Jesus Christ particularly the Mass which you perfected. Bring us back to the purity of the liturgy of the Catholic Church.

Pope Saint Leo XII                                                  Do not let the Church named after you become the venue where heresy is upheld. Come powerfully to dissipate all errors. Let not those who will speak for these errors be accepted. May they be thrown into confusion. May they however repent publicly.

St. Vincent Ferrer                                                    Obtain for us to be hammer of heretics as you were.

St. Anthony of Padua                                               Enable us to be the hammer of heretics as you were.

St Padre Pio
Anne Catherine Emmerich
St. Conrad of Parzham                                             This is the time of times.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary                                          where are you? Hurry to our
St. Francis Xavier                                                    aid, do not delay.
St. Maria Goretti
Blesses Jacinta and Francisco
St. John of the Cross
St. Maria Faustina
Theresa Neumann

St. John the Evangelist                                            How do we understand Apocalypse without your help.  Help us to understand these times and live through them in the love of God and Our Lady.

St. Thomas Aquinas                                                 Great Doctor of the Church, help us to reach the ear of your Priests with heavenly messages. May they believe and save themselves and the flock entrusted to them.  Bring them back to the practices of the real Priesthood.

St. Louis Marie De Monfort                                       All you predicted has come to pass. Help us to fight under the banner of Mary. May the victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be realized in us and in the world.

St. Philomena                                                         Powerful with God, show us your power of intercession. Come now, powerful virgin, to our aid in the combat to overcome the devil in the Church and in the world. Give us a share of your zeal and courage for Christ.

St. Joan of Arc                                                        Great fighter for just causes, help us to persevere and never give up. Come to defend with us the dignity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Church.

All ye Holy Martyrs                                                  The days are here when witness of Blood will be necessary. Pray for us to have the strength for martyrdom if necessary. Come powerfully, these are your days.

All the Saints and Angels                                         Be with us now.

Lamb of God who takest away the                            Have mercy on us.
sins of the world
Lamb of God who takest away the                   Give us courage.
sins of the World
Lamb of God who takest away the                   Enable us to overcome the
sins of the World                                                     red dragon with your Precious Blood.

Let us Pray


There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the wounds, pains and blood of my Left Hand for their fall; you will see them disappear like ash.

All you great number of enemies of the Holy Death of my Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, the Prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars. I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, Wounds, and the Precious Blood from His Left Hand to the Eternal Father, for your down fall, your destruction and your scourging.

Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ – Reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen.

I assure you many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in a twinkle of an eye.
Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save (Jesus assures).


Eternal Father, I offer you all the Wounds, Pains and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Feet of your Son, Our Lord and Master for all Your Children who are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one and united in the same way as the nail held fast the feet of my Master and Savoiur, Jesus Christ.
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – reign forever. Amen.

My Children whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of my kingdom on earth to come soon. Through this prayer My Father will let it come soon, the hour of the Second Pentecost when my prayer will be fulfilled that all shall be one.


O Loving and Merciful Father, all knowing and all Powerful, the Alpha and the Omega, the Eternal Father Who created all things, that you should forsake Your children, Your Nature forbids. Look kindly on your begotten Son Jesus Christ Who came to save men and bring your kingdom down on earth. We offer you all the agonies, tortures, pains and the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross of Salvation, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon who are fighting against the truth now and in the end of age.

May they through the Precious Blood of Our Redeemer and His last breath on earth disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom may quickly come on earth. Amen.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – Thy Kingdom come.

Our Lord says that the forces of the enemy are taking over the world now so we should say this prayer to defeat them and their efforts.

4.   O GLORIOUS ST. JEHUDIEL, Archangel, you mighty opponent of the wicked Angels, come to our assistance with your faithful defenders. Protect us in the battle against the snares of Hell. Who want to destroy the Church of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Take all pride and envy from our hearts, so that we may praise God forever. Amen.

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